Wine Owners 150 Index on the move
by CloMlr
As of March 12, 2016, the WO 150 Index recorded gains of 9.18% in comparison to the FTSE100 index which made a loss of -12.57% (Base price comparison March 12, 2015)
The graph below illustrates how Wine Owners Index has consistently produced higher returns in comparison to the FTSE100. Could such a trend be explained through the huge uncertainty surrounding the global economy in recent months as seen through the crash in stock prices on 'Black Monday' in China or the increasing popularity of wine as a whole as an alternative investment asset? Regardless, the case has once again been made on the role wine plays as a 'safe haven' asset in our volatile financial climate, a wonderful addition to any portfolio.

What does 2016 hold for the collector?
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Fine wine analysis, Fine wine pricing and valuations,
fine wine, fine wine prices, FTSE100, high returns, wine, Wine Owners Indices, WO 150 Index,
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