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Why go Premium?

Track across multiple locations

Sell your wine at a lower rate

Get a free Robert Parker subscription

Access a complete reporting and analytical suite


Perfect for getting organised with instant market valuations.

Paid membership only Robert Parker subscription
Worth £75

Trading Fees

Selling 6.5% ex. VAT

Buying 2.5% ex. VAT

Settlement £6 inc. VAT

Standard Features

150 wine entries

1 home cellar, 1 warehouse cellar

2 year pricing

Watchlist (5 wines)

The Watch List is an ideal way to watch a wine you may be interested in. If the wine you're after is not immediately available, you can set up an alert for when it is listed on the exchange.

Drinking advice

Search for a wine and, look under Reviews & Scores to find expert advice on when to uncork that fine bottle, though your own tastes must always be taken onto account.

Wine Lover£7.50/month

Everything you could need to track and manage a collection.

Fully inclusive Robert Parker subscription
Worth $99 / £75

Trading Fees

Selling 5% ex. VAT

Buying 2.5% ex. VAT

Settlement £6 inc. VAT

All standard features

350 wine entries

1 home cellar, 3 warehouse cellars

Free cellar appraisal

5 year pricing

Portfolio analysis

In the Analyse section under Reporting, there are many tools to help you understand your wine both as a collection and investment. A dashboard enables clear visual reporting of all your wines and trading activity. You can compare wines from one region against another, or against other investment indices, over time frames you choose.

Detailed reporting & downloads

Sometimes nothing beats printed paper! Wine Lover members can download their cellars and reports in a wide range of helpful formats. Wine Collector members receive a full balance sheet and stock report.

Unlimited access to the watchlist

Interactive price graphs

Price graphs show the history of a wine's price up to a current valuation to help you judge whether to sell a wine. There are many helpful wine and price comparison tools available with the Wine Lover plan.

Price comparison tools

To judge relative value in wine you need to be able to see what else you could buy for the same price. The price graph page compares different wines, other vintages and even other stock and asset indexes over time.

Customized alerts


The best choice for larger collections or more regular buyers and sellers.

Fully inclusive Robert Parker subscription
Worth $99 / £75

Trading Fees

Selling 4% ex. VAT

Buying 2.5% ex. VAT

No Settlement fee

All Wine Lover features

Unlimited wine entries

Unlimited cellars

3 cellar updates per year

Free cellar appraisal

Mixed cases

Portfolio analysis per cellar

Available for the Collector plan, the tools that allow you to view your entire collection by country, region, type, tax status and drinking dates, are also available by each individual cellar to give the most detailed view of what wines you have stored where.

In depth reporting & downloads

Relative value score analysis

Critics have different tastes and views and some, like Robert Parker, have more weight than others. We’ve developed a uniquely informative system that distils scores and market pricing to create a more accurate points index to give the best guidance to drinkers and investors .

Special price graph features

For the Collector plan, the price graph pages are further enhanced to show you the range of prices (min, med, max) through international retail channels. All things being equal, best market prices sell first, but in a rising relative price clusters around the market median and high can indicate where the market could be heading. You can also compare against other investment markets eg the FTSE 100, Dow Jones, Gold index.

Dedicated account manager

Standard features across all plans

Free cellar upload at registration

Current valuations

Access to the Fine Wine Exchange

Producer information

Your tasting notes

Activity alerts

