by Wine Owners
Posted on 2019-02-07
The broad-based WO 150 Index was flat for the month, as were nearly all the indices. The only real note of interest was the Burgundy Index, dropping by 0.7%. As you can see from the graph below it has been the stellar performer amongst the great wine producing regions of the world. It’s far too early to start calling a general cooling off period but as I have been arguing here it feels right to top slice some of the better performing names and start looking for some laggards.
The numbers in the box below are performance numbers over a five-year period, so all very respectable but nothing comes close to Burgundy. The consistency and lack of volatility must surely be a thing of beauty to the investor and connoisseur alike?
January is a busy month in the wine world when the latest Burgundy vintage is sold ‘en primeur’. 2017 was a decent vintage (See WO Blog) and has sold through pretty well given another year of testing prices.
The ‘Southwold group’ met in January to review the now in bottle Bordeaux 2015 vintage and there are two excellent reports on the three day session to be found on and In brief summary, ’15 is maybe not quite the excellent vintage that was first pronounced, certainly when judged by ‘English’ palates but still pretty damn good with some show stoppers therein. At the end of the Farr report there is an interesting table of recent vintages in order of perceived quality.
Here at Wine Owners we are betting more heavily on the ’16 vintage (not yet included in the Farr report) which we believe will move very close to the top of the leader board. Messrs Martin and Galloni of Vinous Media have recently reviewed the 16s in bottle and are waxing lyrical. Our very own meteorology and Bordeaux expert called the ’16 vintage some time back - pre the en primeur tastings even! All subsequent tastings and encounters of the vintage have confirmed our views and we are confident enough to shout BUY. What and when is a much more interesting question - so please get in touch to hear our thoughts.
by Wine Owners
Posted on 2016-03-16
As of March 12, 2016, the WO 150 Index recorded gains of 9.18% in comparison to the FTSE100 index which made a loss of -12.57% (Base price comparison March 12, 2015)
The graph below illustrates how Wine Owners Index has consistently produced higher returns in comparison to the FTSE100. Could such a trend be explained through the huge uncertainty surrounding the global economy in recent months as seen through the crash in stock prices on 'Black Monday' in China or the increasing popularity of wine as a whole as an alternative investment asset? Regardless, the case has once again been made on the role wine plays as a 'safe haven' asset in our volatile financial climate, a wonderful addition to any portfolio.

What does 2016 hold for the collector?
by Wine Owners
Posted on 2014-04-01
The Wine Owners 150 (WO 150) comprises Investment Grade Wines across the top 40 performers of the last 10 years. The goal of the WO 150 is to provide a stable and reliable index for comparison periods over extended periods of time. Because the wine performance is made up of many sub-markets, some of which have risen strongly whilst Bordeaux continues to fall acting as a significant counterweight given its significant representation. The WO 150 reflects a classic portfolio of blue chip wines.
Within the WO 150 index, top performers over the last 3 months seem to reflect a very broad-based group of wines:
Worst performers
Unsurprisingly Bordeaux dominates at the bottom end of performance, where the first quarter of 2014 has seen some quite sharp falls. Interestingly Monfortino 2002 finds its way into this company, in sharp contrast with Northern Italy generally and other vintages from this top micro-cuveé Barolo. Seemingly the market will price in the perceived quality of a vintage, irrespective of how dramatically a specific wine outperforms.
Go to the indices page to see a range of other more specific markets. Want to see an index we don’t yet have? Ask us and we’ll set one up for you if we think it’s of general interest!