Robert Parker
Tasted: 28/09/2017
Drink: 2016 - 2030

The 1990 Vieux Château Certan is drinking exceptionally well at the moment, although it does not quite possess the charm of the 1989. There is more primary fruit here than the previous vintage: black cherries, iodine and boysenberry, mingling with clove and tarry aromas that emerge with time. The palate is medium-bodied with supple tannin. There is similar depth here to the 1989 and yet the finish does not quite deliver the same delineation, although that cheeky dab of kirsch is pure delight. This is a great VCC, although I did notice that over a period of an hour, it fails to keep pace with the ever-meliorating 1989. Tasted January 2016.

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